CrossFit Lite Program
1. Mobility
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 2min./side
2. Warm-Up
Row 200m FAST
3 Rounds
10 Empty Bar Thrusters
10 Box Jumps
3. Strength
Pause Power Position Clean and Jerk 4×1 @90-100%
(If they feel smooth go for a small PR, then move on. If not stay around 90-95%)
4. MetCon
3 Rounds
15 Front Squats, 115/75lbs
15 Lateral Bar Burpees
(RX+ 135/95lbs)
1. Mobility
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 2min./side
2. Warm-Up
Row 200m FAST
3 Rounds
10 Empty Bar Thrusters
10 Box Jumps
3. Skill Work
Pause Power Position Clean and Jerk 5x3
4. MetCon
3 Rounds
15 Front Squats, 95/65lbs
15 Burpees
1. Side Work
4 Rounds
Run 1200m
Rest 3 minutes