OCF CrossFit Kids - Get your kid signed up!!!
1. Mobility
Saddle, 4min.
Pigeon, 2min./side
2. Warm-Up
2 Rounds
:30 of PVC Overhead Squats
:30 Rest
:30 of Push-Ups
:30 Rest
:30 of Double Unders
:30 of Rest
3. Strength
Back squat 5×5 @77.5%
4. MetCon
AMRAP 6 minutes
3 Squat Snatch, 135/95lbs
(RX+ 155/105lbs)
1. Mobility
Saddle, 4min.
Pigeon, 2min./side
2. Warm-Up
2 Rounds
:30 of PVC Overhead Squats
:30 Rest
:30 of Push-Ups
:30 Rest
:30 of Single Unders
:30 of Rest
3. Skill Work
Back squat 5×5
4. MetCon
AMRAP 6 minutes
3 Squat Snatch, 115/75lbs
6 Push-ups
1. Side Work
8 Rounds
25 Calorie row
Rest 45 seconds