1. Mobility
Half Seated Frog, 2min./side
Butterfly Pose, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
Row 250m
15 Push Ups
15 PVC Dislocates
15 Push Ups
Row 250m
3. Strength
Push Press 4×4@80%
4. MetCon
For Time in teams of 2*
200 Wallballs, 20/14lbs
200 Box Jump-overs, 20/16″
200 SDLHP, 95/65lbs
*One person works on the chipper while the other is rowing 10/7 calories, then you switch.
1. Mobility
Half Seated Frog, 2min./side
Butterfly Pose, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
Row 250m
15 Assisted Push Ups
15 PVC Dislocates
15 Assisted Push Ups
Row 250m
3. Strength
Push Press 5x5
4. MetCon
For Time in teams of 2*
200 Wallballs, 14/10lbs
200 Box Jump-overs, 18/12″
200 SDLHP, 75/55lbs
*One person works on the chipper while the other is rowing 10/7 calories, then you switch.
1. Side Work
10 Rounds
20m Jog into 60m sprint into 20m jog
Rest 90 seconds
Set up cones at each distance, build up speed, sprint 60m, then slow down for 20m.