1. Mobility
Half Front Split, 2min./side
Saddle, 4min.
2. Warm-up
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 8:00
Burpee Broad Jump 30′
8 Ground to Overhead with a Plate 45/25
3. Strength
EMOM for 5 minutes
4 Front Squats
Start around 70% and work up if can continue to hit clean reps.
4. MetCon
For Time:
40 Calorie Row (RX+ assault bike)
160 Double-unders
80 Wallballs, 20/14lbs
(RX+ In the five minutes directly following: 1RM clean and jerk)
1. Mobility
Half Front Split, 2min./side
Saddle, 4min.
2. Warm-up
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 8:00
Burpee Broad Jump 30′
8 Ground to Overhead with a Plate 35/15
3. Strength
Front Squat 5x5
4. MetCon
For Time:
40 Calorie Row
320 Single-unders
40 HR Push-ups
80 Wallballs, 14/140lbs
1. Side Work
Hang squat clean, 115/75lbs
Box jump, 24/20″
Toes to bar
Rest 2 minutes
Hang squat clean, 115/75lbs
Box jump, 24/20″
Toes to bar
(RX+ 135/95lb HSC)