1. Mobility
Couch Stretch, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.
2. Warm-up
Sprint 15 calories on rower
15 Burpees
Sprint 15 calories on Rower
Spike your heart rate, go HARD.
3. MetCon
30-20-10 Reps for Time:
Calorie Row
Toes to Bar
Empty Bar Thrusters, 45/35lbs
5. Strength (optional)
Make up a lift you missed earlier in the week
A. 10min. EOMOM 4 t&g power Snatch @75%+
B. 5min. EMOM 4 Front Squats @70%+
1. Mobility
Couch Stretch, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.
2. Warm-up
Sprint 15 calories on rower
15 Burpees
Sprint 15 calories on Rower
Spike your heart rate, go HARD.
3. MetCon
30-20-10 Reps for Time:
Calorie Row
Hanging Knee Raises
Empty Bar Thrusters, 35/25lbs
4. Strength (optional)
Make up a lift you missed earlier in the week
A. Power Snatch 5x3
B. Front Squat 5x5