Alternating EMOM for 10min.
Odd: 5 Burpee Broad Jumps
Even: 10 Wallballs
“OLY Total”
Three attempts at a 1RM Snatch
Three attempts at a 1RM Clean & Jerk
Warm up all you want beforehand but have a coach watch three reps and three reps only. Whatever you hit in practice is irrelevant. Your heaviest weight during the three attempts of each is what counts. Score is Snatch+C&J
Accumulate 7 Minutes of a Top of Push-up Hold
(20min. time cap)
For Time: (15min. cap)
2k Row
120 Double-unders
60 CTB Pull-ups
For Time: (15min. cap)
2k Row
240 Sinlge-unders
60 Pull-ups
(use a band for the pull-ups as needed)
For Time: (15min. cap)
800m Run
240 Sinlge-unders
60 HR Push-ups
Cool Down
Standing Straddle, 5min.
(scale to seated straddle as needed)
Competition Side Work
5 Rounds For Time:
15 GHD Sit-ups
60ft. Handstand Walk
1min. Rest
5 Rounds For Time:
25 Sit-ups
6 Wall Walks
1min. Rest