5 Rounds
10 Gymnastic Kips
200m Run
10 Box Jumps

Find your 1RM Push Press

Accumulate 7 Minutes of Farmers Holds w/ Heavy Kettlebells
(20min. cap)

5 Rounds For Time:
21 Wallballs, 20/14lbs
14 Power Snatch, 75/55lbs
7/5 Muscle-ups
(RX+ 95/65lb power snatch)

5 Rounds For Time:
21 Wallballs, 14/10lbs
14 Clean & Jerks, 75/55lbs
14 Ring Dips
(if possible perform ring dips at the top of a muscle-up)

5 Rounds For Time:
30 Air Squats
20 KB Swings
10 Ring Rows

Cool Down
Pigeon, 3min./side

Competition Side Work
For Time:
Sled Push 25yd
Sprint 25yd down & back
Sled Push 25yd
Sprint 50yd down & back
Sled Push 25yd
Sprint 75yd down & back
Sled Push 25yd
Sprint 100yd down & back
(men use two 45lb plates on each post, women use one 45lb plate on each post)

From the starting line, push the sled 25 yards. Sprint to the starting line and back to the sled and push it 25 more yards. Sprint back to the starting line and back to the sled. Continue this until you have pushed the sled 100yds total. Finish with a 100yd sprint back to the starting line and then sprint 100 yds through the finish line.

