10 minute EMOM
Odd: 7 Burpees
Even: 40 Double Unders or 40 Single Unders
5 mins of Mobility for WOD.
"Air Force WOD"
For time (20 min time cap):
20 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats
*Every minute on the minute athletes will perform 4 Burpees. The workout starts with the 4 Burpees.
Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees. There is a 20 min cap.
SCALED = (75/55)
LITE Version of Air Force:
20 DB Thrusters
20 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 DB Push Press
20 Alt. DB Squat Snatches
20 DB Front squats
Strength (optional):
Build to a heavy clean complex, then perform 5x1 at 80-90%.
Squat Clean, Hang Clean, Shoulder to Overhead.