1. Warm-Up
Row 600m
20 Empty Bar Overhead Squats
10 Ring Dips
2. Touch and Go Clean
3-3-3 at 65-70%
2-2-2-2 at 70-75%
This will feel relatively light, work on the skill of touch and go.
This is meant to be a DELOAD.
Do not exceed percentages.
3. For Time:
30 Deadlifts 185/115 (RX+, 225/155)
25 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Squat Cleans 95/65 (RX+, 135/95)
15 CTB Pull Ups
You only get ONE barbell, you must change your own weights mid-WOD.
1. Warm-Up
Row 600m
20 PVC Overhead Squats
10 Bench Dips
2. Skill: Touch and Go Clean
3. For Time
30 Deadlifts
25 Burpees
20 DB Squat Cleans
15 Ring Rows
1. Side Work
AMRAP 12 Minutes
20 Double Unders
20ft HS Walk
rest :45
30 Double Unders
30ft HS Walk
rest :45
etc. increase each round by 10 DU and 10 ft HS walk