1. Warm-Up
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 8:00
Burpee Broad Jump 30′
8 Ground to Overhead with a Plate 45/25
2. Front Squat 4×10
This is a deload, keep this light and fast.
Stay under/at 60% of your 1RM.
3. AMRAP 10 Minutes
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Power Snatch 95/65lbs (RX+, 70/53lb KB)
9 Wall Balls 20/14lbs
1. Warm-Up
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 8:00
Burpee Broad Jump 30′
8 Ground to Overhead with a Plate
2. Skill: Front Squat
3. AMRAP 10 Minutes
3 Ring Rows
6 DB Power Snatch
9 Wall Balls
1. Side Work
For Time:
12calorie AAB
12 Muscle-ups
rest :30
9calorie AAB
9 Muscle-ups
rest :30
6calorie AAB
6 Muscle-ups
rest :30
3calorie AAB
3 Muscle-ups