1. Warm-Up
AMRAP 6:00
5 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
15 Calorie Row
2. Clean and Jerk 4×1
Work up to 85% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk.
If you’re feeling good, go 90%+, Hit 4 singles.
If things feel “off” stay right at 90%, Hit 4 singles.
No more than 4 singles at 90% or greater.
3. Power Clean “Elizabeth”
Power Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
1. Warm-Up
AMRAP 6:00
5 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
15 Calorie Row
2. Skill: Clean and Jerk
3. 21-15-9
DB Power Cleans
Bench Dips
1. Side Work
E3MOM for 24min. (8rnds)
400m run