1. Warm-Up
6 Rounds
3 Burpees
6 Jump Squats
Run 100m

2. Back Squat 10×2
The 10 sets of 2 are all to be done at 60% of your 1RM.
Work on being FAST out of the hole.

3. 4 Rounds
Run 200m
50 Double Unders
12 Push Jerk 115/75lbs (RX+, 155/105)


1. Warm-Up
6 Rounds
3 Burpees
6 Jump Squats
Run 100m

2. Skill: Back Squat

3. 4 Rounds
Run 200m
100 Single Unders
12 Shoulder to OH


1. Side Work
4 Rounds
In Three Minutes:
Row 600m
Max Muscle-ups in remaining time
rest two minutes between rounds