1. Warm-Up
Row 1000m
3 Rounds
10 Good Mornings with an empty bar
10 Thrusters

2. Front Squat 4×1 at 90% or Greater
Warm up to a Front Squat that is approximately 85% of your old Front Squat Max
If you’re feeling good hit 4 at/over 90%
If you’re not feeling good stay closer to 85%

3. AMRAP 6 Minutes
4 Deadlifts 225/155lbs (RX+, 275/185)
7 Lateral Bar Burpees
10 Wallballs 20/14lbs (RX+, 30/20)


1. Warm-Up
Row 1000m
3 Rounds
10 Good Mornings with PVC
10 Thrusters

2. Skill: Front Squat

3. AMRAP 6 Minutes
4 Deadlifts
7 Burpees
10 Wallballs


1. Active Rest Day
For Max Meters:
Row For 30:00 @ a consistent pace
*ladies shoot for 7k, men shoot for 7.5k. hold a consistent pace, and turn it on when it's time.


1. Side Work
For Max Calories
Row 5min.
rest 5min.
Row 3min.
rest 3min.
Row 1min.