1. Warm-Up
5 Rounds
Row 150
25ft duck walk
2. 1RM Snatch Complex
1 Full Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
This all must be done with out the bar resting on the floor. You are allowed to re-grip at the hang, but not on the floor.
3. For time
Row 500m
30 Power Snatches 95/65lbs
30 Pistols
Time cap is 10 Minutes.
1. Warm-Up
5 Rounds
Row 150
25ft duck walk
2. Hang Power Snatch + OHS 5x5
3. For time
Row 500m
30 DB Power Snatches
60 Air Squats
60 Push Ups
Time cap is 10 Minutes.