1. Warm-Up
AMRAP 7:00
8 Air Squats
8 Push-Ups
8 PVC Dislocates
2. Find 1RM Clean Complex
The Clean Complex is: Power Clean, Push Jerk, Front Squat, Hang Squat Clean, and Split Jerk.
3. Squat Clean “Elizabeth”
Squat Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
1. Warm-Up
AMRAP 7:00
8 Air Squats
8 Push-Ups
8 PVC Dislocates
2. Skill: Hang Power Clean + Front Squat 5x5
3. 21-15-9
DB Squat Cleans
Bench Dips
1. Side Work
8 Rounds
3min. Max Cal. AAB
3min. Rest