1. Warm-Up
5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Singles, Doubles, Triples. Good at those? Go backwards.
5 Rounds
5 Gymnastic Kips
10 Leg Swings each leg
2. Lift
Deadlifts 5RM
Try to add 5-10lbs to your 5RM DL.
3. MetCon
21-15-9 reps for time:
Thrusters, 95/65lbs
(RX+ start with a rnd of 27)
1. Warm-Up
5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Singles, Doubles, Triples. Good at those? Go backwards.
5 Rounds
5 Gymnastic Kips
10 Leg Swings each leg
2. Skill
Deadlifts 5x5
3. MetCon
21-15-9 reps for time:
Thrusters, 75/55lbs
Assisted Pull-ups
1. Side Work
EMOM for 8min.
10 alternating pistols
(RX+ weighted)